Multi-Stakeholder Engagement to Create Equity in

Prostate Cancer Outcomes through Early Detection

Given the burden of prostate cancer among Black men, capacity must be built to empower Black men and their communities to develop and execute practice-informing clinical trials that may provide guidance for early detection strategies to eliminate inequities in prostate cancer screening and treatment.  

To understand how to better serve the needs of Black men will require their involvement in all phases of prostate cancer research. Our prior work has demonstrated that":

  • Black men have unique needs around early detection of prostate cancer.

  • Community and stakeholder partnerships can identify these areas of need and best inform patient-centered design of practice-changing research studies.

 The objective of this project is to engage a broad coalition of patients, advocates, researchers, clinicians and other key stakeholders around the early detection of prostate cancer among Black men, and to address inequities in prostate cancer outcomes by

  • Building engagement and research capacity among a cohort of Black men and researchers/clinicians,

  • Identifying research priorities around the early detection of prostate cancer, and

  • Developing a research agenda that can inform future large, patient-centered, comparative effectiveness clinical trials in early detection of prostate cancer.

This project is funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Award EACB-24152.